
Smartsheet Product Highlights

by The Smartsheet Team

February 5, 2024

First quarter 2024 update

The past quarter brought another round of exciting product enhancements to allow further efficiency and flexibility in how you use Smartsheet! Read on to learn about our improved way to add Dynamic Views to WorkApps, enhancements to our dashboard builder, and updates to the Smartsheet Mobile app.

Or, watch the short video above from our product evangelist, Cicero.

Dynamic View + WorkApps

The Smartsheet product user interface features a dropdown menu in the 'Add pages' section. In this menu, you can easily select 'Dynamic Views' to directly add it to a WorkApp.

Including Dynamic Views in WorkApps makes it easier to surface the insights that matter most. And now there is a simplified way to add them! Save time and effort by easily adding Dynamic Views to a WorkApp directly from the “Add pages” menu. See all of them in one place and quickly search, sort, filter, and preview them to easily find what you are looking for. Select one or more to add to your WorkApp and jump directly into it if you want to change permissions. Find the Dynamic View content type in WorkApps and learn how to add Dynamic Views and other pages to start working more efficiently! Available for licensed Dynamic View users.


Dashboard builder enhancements

Two widgets are selected on a dashboard — task status and milestone progress. A "widget settings" window is open on the righthand side that shows the user editing both widgets simultaneously.

Designing insightful and engaging dashboards is now even easier! Recent updates simplify the building process by allowing you to edit multiple widgets simultaneously, center align widgets against the canvas, and automatically create mailto links when emails are added to the rich text widget. Now you can quickly create better-looking, functional dashboards whenever you need!

Dashboard center alignment allows you to align widgets against the dashboard canvas itself so you know where the exact middle of your dashboard is when positioning a widget.

When adding an email address to a rich text widget, it will automatically be converted into a mailto link. When dashboard viewers click on this link, their default email client will open, allowing them to easily compose and send a message to that email address.

Multi-widget editing allows you to modify multiple dashboard widgets simultaneously, which saves a considerable amount of time and ensures a uniform look and feel for all of the selected widgets.


Photos and videos in mobile comments

A screenshot from a mobile device in which an image is attached to a sheet's row 1 for "Campaign Alpha."

You can now do even more with the Smartsheet mobile app! Seamlessly attach photo or video files to conversations either from your device’s album or directly capture a photo or video through your device camera. Start using this feature and more on mobile to unlock new ways to capture data on the go. Available on both iOS and Android.

We’ll be back next quarter with more game-changing Smartsheet capabilities and enhancements. Until then, visit our release news page and subscribe to receive emails about all the additional features and updates we add to help you maximize the work that matters — yours!